Nieuw gemaakte verhalen presents - Vienna


Think of Vienna and think of music! The capital city of Austria, standing on both banks of the winding River Danube, was the birthplace of Schubert and Johann Strauss; you can see a gilded statue of Strauss in City Park. Beethoven lived in Vienna for a time, and Mozart, Haydn, Brahms and Mahler all worked and performed there. In the present day the world famous Vienna Boys’ Choir, the Vienna Philharmonic and the State Opera House keep the musical tradition alive. It is claimed that there are 15,000 classical music performances in Vienna each year, attended by 10,000 people a night. #travel presents - Zurich


Zurich is one of the most influential cities in the world as it is a vital financial center in Switzerland. It has existed for more than seven centuries and is voted systematically as the city with the best quality of life on Earth. Thanks to its important status in the country and the world, Zurich has become a privileged place for vacationers. A passport is required if you plan to travel there, but thanks to the new accelerated online passports, you can obtain your passport and your trip at any time. #zurich #switzerland #financial #center #trip presents -  Посетить Кейптаун

Посетить Кейптаун

Есть много причин посетить Кейптаун - красивый и оживленный портовый город на юге Африки, и я собираюсь показать вам, почему это именно так, с кратким описанием некоторых из самых приятных мест, найденных в оживленном мегаполисе и его окрестностях. #southafrica #capetown #be presents - South Africa

South Africa

South Africa is a truly exciting place to visit and Cape Town is one of the most desirable destinations in the world. The Cape’s lush vineyards and rocky coast, the arid Karoo landscape, the fertile farmlands of Gauteng and Mpumalanga, the picturesque, snowy peaks of the Drakenberg mountains and the green hills and spacious beaches of KwaZulu-Natal are just a few of South Africa’s natural attractions. #travel #africa #attractions presents - 4 найкрасивіші місця в Далмації

4 найкрасивіші місця в Далмації

Хорватія вже деякий час знаходиться в центрі уваги досвідчених мандрівників. Але навіть якщо ви присвятите роки подорожі країною, ви не зможете побачити кожен захоплюючий вид, який вона може запропонувати. Гарних місць в Далмації, найпівденнішій провінції Хорватії, безліч і може подарувати на все життя спогади кожному відвідувачеві. #travel #croatia #province #nature 
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